Alright, right now there are three ways to see "New Franken" the show:
1. Click this link and see a low quality version of the episode on our other website
2. Go to www.youtube.com and search "New Franken"... you will find a pretty good quality version of the episode
(extremely recommended)
Here are straight links to the 3 parts:
"Scooterboard Competition" episode one - Part one
episode one - Part two
episode one - Part Three
3. Come to New Franken and see the video on a real TV at Mike or Steve's house... that or order a DVD copy of the first episode
and the upcoming ones
Alright... so the cut scenes on the first episode are pretty crappy and we can't light worth shit, but there it is and is
actually the length of a real television show (completely unintended). Though i must say i love the intro, and i promise the
next episode will be wildly improved (if there is one)