Wow Bellevue, we're impressed you finally got a website, we aren't sure
why you've decided to attack New Franken when we practically granted you providencial status but this will not be stood for.
First of all to the creators of the Bellevue site: Jon, Jon, and Dan
-We're so impressed, you have been so original in using the exact format
of the New Franken website to design your website.
-You're spelling and grammar is more than sub-par, it's pathedic, we
may not spell check our articles, but atleast we can make coherant sentences
-NEVER TYPE IN ALL CAPS, seriously that breaks about every internet etiquette
rule there is
-Wow we are so impressed with your clipart skills, yeah we use clipart,
your's looks like your five year old brother did it for you.
-Capatalize proper nouns Bellevue (see how that works?)
-Your threats on the New Franken Tree have crossed the line you realize
that this declaration will lead to a brutal war.
-Yes, Bellevue this is WAR!
May 23rd, 2005: War begins in Bellevue